Brunch Makes Everything Better

Turmeric Maple Pecan French Toast

Turmeric Maple Pecan French Toast

Turmeric Maple Pecan French Toast

French Toast is not something we make often, but on weekends we take our time and anything is on the menu. Today, that anything was French Toast with a Humble Nut Butter twist.


  • 4 - 5 slices of bread (pictured left - Canyon Bakehouse Gluten-Free Mountain White). Fun fact, stale bread makes the best french toast so keep it out uncovered overnight.

  • 2 large eggs

  • 1/2-ish cup of milk

  • Turmeric Maple Pecan Butter (about 2 TBS for batter)

  • Top with sprinkled cinnamon, whipped cream, maple syrup, and more Turmeric Maple Pecan Butter!

Whisk eggs, milk, and pecan butter in a shallow dish. Place bread in batter, soak both sides, Butter up a skillet, toast until golden brown on each side, top with desired fixings, and eat up!


Sundried Basil Cashew Fried Egg Toast

Be prepared to become a Sundried Basil Cashew addict.


While you bread is toasting, butter up a pan and fry up an egg to your liking (we love a golden runny yolk, but if that’s not your cup of tea scrambled are just as delicious). Slather on a generous layer of Sundried Basil Cashew, top with the greens, egg, salt and pepper to taste and BOOM! It’s magic.

Sundried Basil Cashew Fried Egg Toast

Sundried Basil Cashew Fried Egg Toast

Truffle Herb Walnut Baby Bella Pizza

Truffle Herb Walnut Baby Bella Pizza

Truffle Herb Walnut Mushroom Pizza

You’ve gotta have a little lunch in your brunch! This savory vegetarian pizza is the perfect touch to round out a well balanced brunch menu.


  • Pizza Crust (pictured left - Caulipower Pizza Crust)

  • Humble Nut Butter Truffle Herb Walnut

  • Greens of choice (pictured left spinach)

  • 8 oz sliced and sautéed Baby Bella or Shiitake Mushrooms

  • 1 cup shredded cheese (pictured left mozzarella)

Pick up a pre-made pizza crust (or make it yourself if you're an overachiever), skip the pizza sauce and slather on a healthy layer of Truffle Herb Walnut. Next, top that bad-boy with some greens (cue the wilted bag of spinach sitting in the produce drawer), and sautéed mushrooms. For a final touch, add some shredded mozzarella, pop it in the oven based on the crust directions, and voilà!