Frequently asked questions

What is Humble NUt BUtter?

We love nut butters, we just couldn’t figure out why all the nut butter out there was sweet or plain. So we experimented by pairing our favorite nuts with some of our favorite spices and herbs. After many, many trials, we settled on our three signature flavors: Sundried Basil Cashew, Truffle Herb Walnut, and Spiced Maple Pecan.

What do you eat them with?

Honestly, almost anything. Veggies raw or roasted, fruit, crackers, toast, sandwiches, wraps, and paninis. Check out our recipes page for tons of delicious ideas or follow us on instragram @humblenutbutter to add savory nut butter inspiration to your feed.

Are they Organic?

Right now, only the Sundried Basil Cashew is fully organic. While all the herbs and spices we use are certified USDA organic, the walnuts and pecans we use are USA grown but not certified organic. The cashews we use however are USDA certified organic.

Why is there oil separation?

We like real food which means no added chemicals or stabilizers to keep the natural nut oils from separating. A good butter knife for a stir and a little patience will go a long way. It’s well worth the wait and effort; in our humble opinion.

Where can I Buy Humble Nut Butter?

We have shipped to customers in every state of the union and Puerto Rico! If you can get to our website or if you like to shop on Amazon you can get Humble Nut Butter delivered directly to your front door. Locally in Minnesota, you can also find us in all Whole Foods Market locations and many co-ops and specialty stores.